2003 引進韓國兒童知識漫畫《我的第一本科學漫畫書》,重新改寫「暢銷」與「童書」的定義。
2004 華人世界第一本精品流行雜誌:《BRAND名牌誌》的創刊,讓時尚與流行的品味重新被詮釋。
2006 《創意市集101》帶動台灣創意與創作熱潮。
2007 《雅子妃 菊花王朝的囚徒》,引發國內對日本皇室與女性在傳統與現代間如何自處、定位等討論熱潮。
2008 《我的孤兒寶貝》,是三采首度跨入文學出版領域,開創台灣「都會愛情療癒小說」的閱讀風潮。
2009 《癮閱讀.八夫臨門》系列,將培育優秀創作者的理想與青少年閱讀結合,甫推出即獲得極大注目。
思考 不同的角度 接納 改變的氣度
涵蘊 文化的深度 創造 流行的彩度
創辦人◎ 張輝明
Notes from a Veteran Publisher
Twenty seven years after the founding of this company, we have witnessed severe changes in the publishing industry. General recession,digitalization, and the growing alternative sources of information all made a large impact on the industry, even challenged the value of reading in the public consciousness. Nevertheless, I am certain that though the traditional form of publishing might be modified over time, the wisdom and knowledge gleaned from books will always be treasured. As long as our cultural roots run deep, we can adapt to any change with an open mind, and we may even start a reading revolution ourselves!
Sun Color was founded in Tianmu, Taipei in 1990, and later moved to Taipei Neihu Technology Park in 2000. During the past two decades, we have successfully established ourselves as one of the prominent leaders in the Taiwanese publishing industry, creating a trend every time we started a new line of products. In 2003, we introduced the knowledge comic series from Korea, rewriting the local definition of bestsellers as well as children’s books. In 2004, we launched BRAND, the first fashion magazine tailor-made to suit the needs of Chinese fashion consumers; in recent years, our fashion team went on to collaborate with international fashion brands, agnès b. and Coach, in the form of a new series of brandbooks- plus-designer-accessory sets, which sought to infuse high fashion into our readers’ everyday life and has since become a resounding success. In 2006, the introduction of Creative Designs 101, a monthly anthology, presented new and exciting Taiwanese design talent, while the launch of the teen-oriented INread series in 2009 proved to be both an immense commercial success and a great showcase for young writers and illustrators. In 2010, against all expectations and the global tide of digitalization, we reinvented common planners with the chart-topping How to Customize Your Own Planners series; this was followed by a much acclaimed series of spiritual books in 2011, which reexamined aspects of life, dying and death in our aging society. In 2012, the launch of an innovative line of lifestyle books allowed us continue to enjoy considerable growth in the face of general economic decline.
Creativity, Professionalism, Quality, and Passion have been the four core values of Sun Color since its establishment in 1990. There will be neither limit nor end on our quest to make a difference in the publishing industry, so long as we uphold our golden principles of taking initiatives, long-term planning and sustainable management. With a solid cultural foundation, along with the quick adaptability and creativity of our editorial and marketing teams, as well as the professionalism of our administration and management teams, Sun Color aims to advance with times as a wellrounded company, continuing to create great reading experiences, just as we have been doing in the past two decades.